Hi, thanks for connecting with me from Smoky Mountain Fan Fest. Here's some things you may want to know.
There are currently 10 main books in the Faith & Fandom series of geeky devotionals and Bible studies. The books are in no particular order, so you can jump in wherever you like. You can also read almost all that content for free on this website. There's also an illustrated children's book, and a comic book about growing up in the church in the 90s. Plus a few general Bible study books.
All books are also available on Amazon.
We have a podcast with 500 plus episodes which features audio chapters, con recaps and reviews, interviews, partner content with Love Thy Nerd, and much more. The podcast is available wherever you listen, or you can find our main podcast site at https://faithandfandom.podbean.com/
We travel to roughly 20 cons a year setting up our booth, and as often as we can we do church services. You can listen to past church services on our podcast channel. We are also always grateful to have discussions with you at the booth,
You can find us on all the socials at @faithandfandom or email at faithandfandom@gmail.com